University of Leicester Case Study
Sagoss are proud of the long-standing working relationship we hold with the University of Leicester.
Our partnership has grown over the last 3 years, with Sagoss supporting several parking locations on campus. This includes Freemans Common, a 555 space multi-story car park (MSCP) open to the general public throughout the year.
The parking solution at Freemans Common supports daily payments via Pay and Display (P&D) machines and ANPR barriers (ticketless ANPR), as well as virtual staff permits and vehicle whitelists managed via Permisso, our permit management module linked to ANPR and barriers allowing access and egress control.
In tune with the above-mentioned partnership success, the University looked to Sagoss for support with their Space Park project.
The Space Park building in Leicester will provide state of the art, high-tech facilities for research, development, and manufacturing.
With the building still under construction, the car park is in use by a mix of staff and contractors, the vehicles of which change daily with the drivers requiring daily access.
This brings a challenge in that frequent updates are needed to the car park whitelist. Ensuring the correct vehicles are permitted to site on a regular basis with minimal disruption to traffic flow was becoming an onerous administration task.
Our project brief was to simplify the above process.
Sagoss Solution
The Sagoss solutions team developed and delivered both a staff whitelist and virtual permit solution enforced by ANPR cameras and barrier control.
With the above solution in place, along with the Sagoss Permisso software module, there was an immediate reduction in administration cost and overheads vs. the previous paper-based permit and whitelist application process.
The Space Building has also seen a reduced enforcement overhead with less time and cost associated to the monitoring and ticketing of vehicles not on the whitelist that have overstayed or not paid for parking.
Throughout the construction of new car parks within the University’s portfolio, Sagoss’ solution removed the need for payment machines, card readers, keypads, and other infrastructure, reducing cost of build and complexity.
Solution results
- Simplified administration processes
- Paperless solution
- Reduction in overhead costs
- Flexibility in whitelist management
- Lower infrastructure costs for new car parks